Instructions for authors
The manuscript submission to SportLogia should be done on the Paper Submission page. Manuscripts should be prepared following the guidelines below.
We highly recommend using the Template provided on this website.

Paper Template
Manuscript preparation
In case you are not using the template, follow these instructions:
- The Manuscript should be prepared using Microsoft Word. Margins should be 2.5 cm for the top and bottom, and 2 cm for the sides, font should be Times New Roman, 11 pt. normal, Single spaced with one extra spacing above and below the subtitles and between paragraphs, and with no tab to indent the first line of a paragraph.
- The Manuscript needs to be submitted as one file containing the First title page, The Second title page, and The Main body of the text followed by the references.
- The First title page contains the Title, Name(s) and Surname(s) of the (co)author(s), Affiliation(s), Corresponding author’s name and email address. Each proper noun of the Title should be in capital letters, left aligned, bold, 14 pt. Name(s) and surname(s) of the (co)author(s) should be left aligned, bold, 11 pt. If there are several authors, they should be listed one after another. Affiliation(s) should be left aligned and italicized, 11 pt. Affiliation should be marked in front of each Author and Affiliation with superscript.
- The second title page contains the Title and the Abstract of up to 250 words and Keywords (4–6 words). Abstract and Keywords should be justified, 11 pt.
- The Main body should be 11 pt., justified and structured as follows:
- Introduction. Background of about 4-6 paragraphs. Subject and objectives/hypotheses of the research should be clearly stated.
- Materials and Methods. Experimental approach if there was one, Participants or Sample Characteristics, Measurements and/or Procedures, Statistics. In “Participants or Sample Characteristics” section include the Institutional Review Board or Ethics Committee approval and appropriate statement that the informed consent has been gained. In “Measurements and Procedures” include the statement on the validity and reliability of measurement tools and devices or testing protocols. In “Statistics”, include the effect size analyses whenever is possible.
- Results. Report the most important results in tables and/or figures. Other informative results report in text. Use this section to report the results rather than to discuss them.
- Discussion. Discuss only your results in about 4-6 paragraphs. Do not overreach in this part and do not speculate on what has not been covered by results or analysis.
- Conclusion with practical application statement. Clearly state the implications of the study. Add 2-3 sentences on what it means for the agencies or government and how practitioners in that particular field could implement the results.
- Acknowledgments. In this part of the paper the conflict of interest information MUST BE included. In this section you can also place the information related to identification of funding sources and/or gratitude to other people involved with the conduct of the experiment.
- References. Not more than 40 except for the Review studies. If more references are needed, please explain it in the cover letter. Try to use the most recent references (i.e., majority of references [80%] is not more than 10 years old) and most of them should be from scientific journals. Self-citation is discouraged. The reference list should be given without numbering and listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name, with justified alignment, 11 pt. The reference list should include journal articles, books, documents, legal sources, magazines, web and other sources. For electronic sources, break long URL’s after a slash or before a period. Use of the DOI is highly recommended for articles. We recommend using reference managers such as Zotero, Endnote, and Mendeley.
- Section headings should be written without numbering, but left aligned (first word and proper nouns take capitals). Subheadings 1 st level should be bold italic and left aligned, while subheadings 2 nd level should be italic normal, left aligned.
- Captions for figures and graphs should be italicized and centered below the figures, 11 pt.
- Captions for tables should be italicized and centered above the tables, 11 pt.
- Each table, graph and figure should have the associated number in the caption (for example: Table 1, Figure 3). It is highly recommended to use TIF or JPG original file formats with 300 dpi, or CDR or EPS vector format.
- The Figures should include only words needed to clearly understand the Figure’s content (i.e., units of measurement with their dimensions, a brief explanation of curves, etc.). The abbreviations used for the figure should be explained in the Figure caption.
- Equations should be written using Equation (from Insert menu) in Word. At the right end of the line in which the equation is written, the number of the equation should be indicated in round brackets, starting from 1. The text following an equation need not be a new paragraph. Please punctuate equations as regular text. It is important that the equation is clear and understandable, while style is of author’s preference.
- Always use internationally accepted signs and symbols for units (SI units).
- References in the Reference list should be given without numbering and listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name, with justified alignment, and each reference should be formatted without a hanging indent, 11 pt. It should include the full details of all your in-text references (excluding personal communications), arranged alphabetically A-Z by author surname, see Sample Reference List below.
Periodical – Journal paginated by volume: Author’s last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Title of Periodical, Volume (Issue), pages of the article. DOI if available, and formatted the same as URL.
Strobl, R., Klemm, J., & Wurtz, S. (2005). Preventing Hate Crime: Experiences from two East-German Towns. British Journal of Criminology, 45(5), 634–646.
Ellis, R. (2020). Redemption and reproach: Religion and carceral control in action among women in prison. Criminology, 58(4), 747–772.
Book: Author’s last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year of publication). Title of the book. Publisher. Ignjatović, Đ. (1998). Kriminologija. Nomos.
Chapter in an edited book: Author’s last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year of publication). Title of the article. In editor’s name (Ed.), Title of the book (pages of the article). Publisher.
Emerson, L., & Manalo, E. (2007). Essays. In L. Emerson (Ed.), Writing guidelines for education students (2nd ed., pp. 42–49). Thomson.
PhD thesis: Author’s last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year of publication). Title of the PhD thesis [PhD thesis, name of institution awarding degree]. Name of archive of site. URL if available.
Lipovac, M. (2016). Nacionalna bezbednost Republike Srbije u regionalnom bezbednosnom potkompleksu Zapadni Balkan [PhD thesis, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies].
Internet sources: Authority (Year of publication). Title of the cited text. URL without “Retrieved from”, unless a retrieval date is needed.
Republički zavod za statistiku Republike Srpske (2009). Statistički godišnjak Republike Srpske. Retrieved March 2, 2010, from
Legal act: The title of the act (ABBREVIATION), followed by the article (Art.) and paragraph (Para.), Title of the publication, number and year of publication.
Zakon o izvršnom postupku (ZIP), Art. 5, Para. 2, Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije,125/2004.
Court decision: Citation of a court decision should be as precise as possible (the name and number of the decision, the date the decision took place, and possibly the title of the publication in which the decision was published).
Conference paper: Author’s last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year of publication). Title of the paper. In editor’s name (Ed.), Title of the proceedings (pages of the article). Publisher. DOI or URL if relevant.
Stănilă, L. M. (2018). Artificial intelligence: A challenge for criminal law. In D. Simović (Ed.), International scientific conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, (Vol. 1, pp. 158–168). Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies.
Articles in Periodicals – Magazines: Author’s last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year, date of publication). Title of the article. Periodical or Magazine Title, Volume(Issue), pages of the article. URL of magazine home page (if viewed online). Davidov-Kesar, D. (2019, February 3). Duvan svake godine odnese 15.000 života u Srbiji. Politika. 116. -u-Srbiji
Submission checklist
- The manuscript is one word file with the 1 st title page, 2 nd title page, and the body of the text.
- All names and affiliations are correct at the first title page.
- The 2 nd title page includes the title, abstract of not more than 250 words, and 4-6 keywords.
- Informed consent and ethical approval are included in the “Participants” section.
- The manuscript has no more than 40 references unless it is a review article and all citrated references are listed in the reference list.
- Conflict of interest statement is included in the “Acknowledgments” section.