
Scientific-Expert Journal of Anthropological Aspects of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation

Effect of Acute Beetroot Supplementation on Exercise Performance of CrossFit® Male Athletes: Randomized, Doubleblind, Placebo-Controlled Crossover Study

Original article

Submitted: 14/07/2024

Accepted: 26/08/2024

Published: 03/09/2024

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Liliana Madera
Citlali M. Lara
Beatriz A. Gámez
Ángel Magaña
Quiané Tecuapetla
Rachel Kimble
Reza Zare
Katie M. Heinrich

Correspondence email:


The study aimed to evaluate the effect of beetroot supplementation on the number of repetitions in the Cindy test of male athletes who practice CrossFit® to improve their exercise performance. Twenty male CrossFit® athletes (age = 28 ±3 years, height = 1.71 ± 0.2 m, weight = 72.2 ± 4.2 kg) were included in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled and crossover study. The participants consumed a beetroot supplement (515 mg (8.24 mmol) of nitrate) or placebo (starch) 90 min before starting the Cindy workout. Student's t-tests for paired samples were used to compare the performance between the beetroot supplement and placebo conditions and to examine for a learning effect between the first and the second sessions. No significant differences were found in performance between the beetroot supplement and the placebo conditions (17.4 ± 2.7 vs. 16.7± 2.3 rounds, t = 1.48, p = 0.078). However, a significant learning effect was determined between the first and the second session (16.6 ± 2.4 vs. 17.5± 2.6 rounds, t = 1.94, p= 0.034). Overall, the intake of 515 mg of beetroot nitrate (8.24 mmol) before a Cindy workout did not increase the number of repetitions performed. More studies are needed to confirm whether nitrate in beetroot can be used as an effective performance improvement strategy in CrossFit® male athletes, considering that a learning effect could be present in the practice of CrossFit® workouts.

Keywords: Beetroot, Dietary nitrate, Exercise performance, CrossFit, High-intensity functional training

Faculty of Physical Education and sport Banja Luka

Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

University of Banja Luka

University of Banja Luka