Derzhavin Tambov State University, Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports
Tambov, Russia
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The aim of this study was to determine whether there are differences in running performance among lines of the team (defense, midfield, and attack) during competitive activities of under-17 football players. The study involved 18 under-17 football players from the "Vojvodina" FC selection in Serbia, with an average age of 15.89±0.44 years. Depending on their position in the team, players were divided into three groups (defense, midfield, attack). Running performance were measured using the GPS device "Gpexe it". Data were collected from 25 matches during one season. The measured variables included total distance covered, distance covered in zone 4 (19.8-25.2 km/h), distance covered in zone 5 (over 25.2 km/h), number of accelerations, and number of decelerations. All variable values were normalized relative to the time spent on the field during each match. At a general level, the results found a statistically significant difference between the groups (team lines) for the mentioned variables (p < 0.05), except for the variable distance covered in zone 4. It can be concluded that these results could be used as norms for running performance during competitive activities of football players (U17 category). Additionally, based on the defined scope and intensity, these results can help in designing the training process to maximize the motor potential of under-17 football players.
Keywords: defense, midfield, attack, total distance, high-intensity distance
Analiza kretanja fudbalera kadetskog uzrasta (U17) tokom takmičarske aktivnosti
Cilj ovog rada je bio da utvrdimo da li kod fudbalera kadetskog uzrasta postoje razlike u kretnim aktivnostima između linija tima (odbrane, sredine i napada) za vreme takmičarske aktivnosti. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 18 fudbalera kadetske selekcije FK "Vojvodina" iz Srbije, uzrasta 15.89±0.44 godina. U zavisnosti od pozicije u timu fudbaleri su podeljeni u tri grupe (odbrana, sredina, napad). Za merenje kretnih aktivnosti korišćen je GPS uređaj „Gpexe it”. Podaci su prikupljeni sa 25 utakmica tokom jedne sezone. Merene varijable su ukupna pređena distanca, pređena distanca u zoni 4 (19.8-25.2 km/h), pređena distanca u zoni 5 (preko 25.2 km/h), broj ubrzanja i broj usporenja. Sve vrednosti varijabli bile su relativizovane u odnosu na vreme provedeno na terenu tokom svake utakmice. Na generalnom nivou, rezultati su utvrdili da postoji statistički značajna razlika između grupa (linije tima) za navedene varijable (p < 0.05), osim za varijablu pređena distanca u zoni 4. Može se zaključiti da bi ovi rezultati mogli da se koriste kao normativi kretnih aktivnosti tokom takmičarske aktivnosti fudbalera kadetskog uzrasta. Pored toga, na osnovu definisanog obima i intenziteta, ovi rezultati mogu pomoći u kreiranju trenažnog procesa, kako bi se maksimalno iskoristio motorički potencijal fudbalera kadetskog uzrasta.