Vol. 10, Issue 1, June 2014.
Kemal Idrizović1,2,Julio Calleja-Gonzáles2,3,and Dean Kontić4,5
1Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, University of Montenegro,
Podgorica, Montenegro
2Center for Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
3Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of the Basque Country, Vitorija-Gasteiz, Spain
4University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia
5Australian National Water Polo Team
doi: 10.5550/sgia.141001.en.002I
UDC: 797.253.012.1
Technical, tactical and physiological demands of water polo players that once were standard are no
longer current. The advancement in the total approach to this discipline, from players’, coaches’ and
also from the scientific standpoint, have led to the establishing of new physiological principles that
are now actual in this team sport. The relationship of morphological characteristics and specific motor abilities represents one of the important traits of a player profile in elite water polo. The main aim
of this study was to examine and define the relationships among the anthropometrical characteristics
(body height, arm span, leg length, body mass and BMI) and three sport-specific fitness tests, 20-meters-sprint-swimming, maximal dynamometric force in eggbeater kick and throwing velocity. The
sample of participants embraced 22 (23.04 ± 2.72 years) top-quality water polo players, members of
the national team and one water polo club, who participated in the Adriatic League competition. Throwing velocity shows a significative correlation only with maximal dynamometric force in eggbeater kick (r=.455, p=.033). Maximal dynamometric force in eggbeater kick, except with throwing
velocity shows significative correlation with body mass (r=.745, p=.000), body height (r=.568, p=.006),
BMI (r=.521, p=.013) and with arm span (r=.488, p=.021). Regarding to swimming speed, significant
correlations were not found. One of the major finding of the present research was that swimming
speed has no statistically significant linear correlation with any of applied morphological and specific
motor parameters. A second major result was that throwing velocities significantly correlate only with
maximal dynamometric force in eggbeater kick. On the other side, no statistically significant correlation has been found between a throwing velocity and the applied anthropometric parameters that
almost completely determined a result in the test for the estimation of a maximal dynamometric force
in eggbeater kick.
Key words: anthropometry, correlation, specific fitness.
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