Vol. 9, Issue 2, December 2013.




Darko Paspalj1
Internal Affairs Collage, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina


doi: 10.5550/sgia.130902.en.003P
COBISS.RS-ID 4123672
UDC: 796.8:  



FULL TEXT (.pdf)

Based on the fact that psychological characteristics play a significant role in the training of special physical education, how for programming of selection diagnostics and programming methods and means to overcome specific curriculum, a study was conducted that aimed to determine the effect of cognitive and conative characteristics of students of the Internal Affairs College on the quality of the performance of the defense against attacks by the hand to the head from the special physical education program. The study was conducted on 70 students of both sexes of the third year of the internal Affairs College in Banja Luka, aged between 21 and 23 years. Regression analysis showed a significant effect of joint variables for assessing cognitive and conative characteristics on the performance of the defense against attacks by the hand to the head where the single statistically significant effect in explaining criterion has been achieved by: test of visual specializing (S1) designed for simultaneous assessment of education of spatial relations, test of anxiety (alpha) was used to estimate the efficiency of the defense regulation and control system and test of social disintegratedness (ETA) that was used to estimate the efficiency of the integration of regulatory functions, based on which we can assume that these variables are predictive for the successful execution of the defense against attacks by the hand to the head from the special physical education program and should be taken into consideration in the planning and realization of the process in solving situational-motor problems in familiar and unfamiliar conditions.


Key words: attack by hand, defense, psychological characteristics.



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