Vol. 8, Issue 2, Decembar 2012.




Žarko Kostovski1, Marko Zeljković2, Lulzim Ibri3, Elena Soklevska4 i Boško Zaborski4
1Fakultet fizičke kulture, Univerzitet “Sv. Kiril i Metodije” Skoplje, Makedonija
2Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Univerzitet Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina
3Sektor sporta, Opština Prizren, Srbija
4Karate club “Mak Petrol”,Skopje, Macedonia


doi: 10.5550/sgia.120802.en.157C



FULL TEXT (.pdf)

Specific motor abilities in modern sport are probably the determining factor for solving sports tasks and achieving
sport success. Strockes with an arm and leg in karate sport are dominant techniques which help a karate athlete to
score points or win a fight. Karate sport and particularly sports discipline fight (kumite) is characterized with poly
structural movements, and the most important motor skills are explosiveness, speed and coordination. The subject
of this research derives from the previous knowledge and arguments and it is directed toward determination of the
measuring characteristics (reliability, sensitivity and validity) of the specific "Mae Geri" motor test.
The research has been conducted in the Republic of Macedonia with an intentional sample of 30 male examinees
(karate athletes), at the age older then 18. During the research with the sample of examinees, 1 (one) manifest specific-
motor variable (newly constructed composite test) was applied, characteristic for the karate sport. The aim of this
research was to determine the measuring characteristics of the newly constructed test. Using the Hoteling method,
the factor validity of this test was determined, as well as its latent dimensions, and the main component according
to Kaiser-Gutman criterion were established. Based on the obtained results of the research, there have been some
conclusions which refer to the measuring characteristics of the applied test, and primarily to the factor validity,
sensitivity and reliability of the same.


Key words: karate, Mae-Gery, mesure characteristics.



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