Vol. 8, Issue 1, June 2012.


António Gomes Ferreira1 and José António Moreira1
1Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Coimbra, Portugal
2Department of Education and Distance Learning, Open University, Portugal


doi: 10.5550/sgia.120801.en.021F  
COBISS.BH-ID: 2934296
UDK: 371.14+371.12:Š796/799 



FULL TEXT (.pdf)

The aim of this study is to analyse how Physical Education teachers in Portugal organise their lessons, taking into consideration the most valued lesson models. Moreover, we sought to understand the existing relationship between those practices, their experiences, attitudes and the influence of training schools, ie, the existing relationship between pedagogical work and a habitus, seen as a product of history and a defining principle of group and individual practices learned empirically in specific contexts. Based on a qualitative methodology, the study focused on a group of fifteen teachers with varied degrees in Physical Education, who graduated from some of the most distinguished schools in Portugal, for e.g., the National Institute of Physical Education, Colleges of Physical Education, and some of the most famous Portuguese faculties in this field of study established in the early 1990s. We concluded that these teachers defend the use of well structured classes, based on strict planning, not neglecting students’ motivations. Moreover, that the existence of different pedagogical practices (and attitudes) is possible due to different training, to the specific historical context and different experiences, personalities and motivations of each teacher. These differences suggest, therefore, there is a relationship between pedagogical practices and a habitus, which means experiences acquired in different cultural, political and educational environments.


Key words: pedagogical practices, physical education; teachers.



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