Vol. 7, Issue 1, Jun 2011.



Zoran B. Pajić1
1 Faculty of Sports and Physicial Education, Belgrade, Serbia


COBISS.BH-ID: 2101528 
UDC: 796.422.015


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The subject of this study was to investigate the effects of additional inertial load in the training of maximum running speed. The objective of this research was to produce changes in kinematic and dynamic performances of maximum running speed in training with additional inertial loads application, as well as to determine the adaptive processes that were supposed to significantly influence the maximum running speed in the observed variables. An experiment with parallel groups was carried out during which the effect of experimental factors (inertial load) was on two levels. The first, control group (C), had no additional load. Second, experimental group (EA), ran with load attached to arms, and another group (EL), with load attached to legs. The research included initial and final measurements of variables in the phase of maximum speed (25m-50m). The change of kinematic variables recorded by non-contact telemetry measurement (two-dimensional system) of a cycle of strides during sprint step in the phase of maximum running speed was analyzed. The obtained results indicate that the applied experimental factor within the specific six week period caused statistically significant changes in experimental (EA) and (EL) groups. It is obvious that the different location of inertial load in experimental groups affected the changes in the observed variables differently, as well as that the applied additional load selectively affected the change in the observed variables. The results of this study open up new dilemmas such as the adequacy of the same load for both arms and legs, normalization of the absolute value of the load according to actual mass of each locomotive apparatus of athletes, the length of the experimental treatment, the quality of training periods in the experiment, inhomogeneity of the sample, as well as a criterion for the sample equaling according to the initial motor potential and the like.


Key words: :velocity of running, moment of inertia, moment of momentum.



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