Vol. 18, Issue 1, december 2022.
Jovana Njegovan and Draženko Jorgić
Taekwondo club „Prnjavor“ Prnjavor Bosnia and Herzegovina
University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Philosophy, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Original scientific article
The goal of this research was to examine the degree of agreement between athletes and taekwondo coaches in their assessments of pedagogical competence and motivation of taekwondo coaches for permanent education. The research sample consisted of 10 coaches of the Taekwondo Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina and 265 taekwondo athletes. For this purpose, a quantitative-qualitative research was conducted. By defining and specifying the research goal, nine causally elaborated research tasks were defined. The defined research tasks represent the fundamental segments of the problem and research subject. Through the realization of the quantitative part of the research and the application of a five-level scale intended for athletes, their assessment of the pedagogical competencies and motivation of taekwondo coaches for permanent education was determined. In contrast to the assessment of athletes, the self-assessment of taekwondo coaches for permanent education was determined through the logical analysis of the answers received during the interview and through the analysis of the record of the participation of coaches of the Taekwondo Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina in international seminars. With the help of a five-level scale intended for coaches, a self-assessment of the coaches' pedagogical competences was carried out. The obtained results indicate that there is no significant difference between athletes and taekwondo coaches regarding their assessment of pedagogical competence and motivation for permanent education. Athletes believe that their coaches demonstrate high pedagogical competence for the training process and high motivation for permanent education. The coaches are of the same opinion in their personal self-assessment. The only significant difference relates to the tendency of taekwondo coaches towards physical and psychological violence against athletes.
Key words:lifelong learning, coach's motivation for progress, sports pedagogues.
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Received: 22.5.2023.
Approved: 4.7.2023.
Jovana Njegovan, MA
Taekwondo club „Prnjavor“
Prnjavor 78430, Bosnia and Herzegovina