Vol. 17, Issue 1, december 2021.
Dinko Kolarić1, Ana Kolarić1, Drago Ambroš1, Siniša Popek2, Zoran Vrbanac3 & Lana Ružić4
1Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation, Daruvarske Toplice, Croatia
2Croatian shooting federation, Croatia
3Department of Radiology, Ultrasound Diagnostic and Physical Therapy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia
4Department of Sport and Exercise Medicine, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia
doi: 10.5550/sgia.211701.en.kkap
The main goal of this study was to identify potential external risk factors for injury in recreational skiers through a survey questionnaire. Subjects were divided into injured skiers and a control group who never had an injury. Injured skiers (N=212) answered questions that helped define potential risk factors. The control group (N=206) completed the same questionnaire but without questions about injury. Common questions were used to determine the possibility of injury using Chi-Square test, and additional questions were used to determine the influence on injury severity using Fisher’s test. An analysis of external factors showed that formal ski school was not statistically related to the possibility and severity of injury, but significantly increased knowledge of skiing. Skiing with another person did not decrease the possibility of injury but did increase the severity of injury. Visibility, field of vision, condition of the slope, temperature, and weather conditions are not statistically related to injury severity, but when combined, they could be an important factor in the possibility of injury.
Key words: skiing, alpine skiing, ski injuries, causes of skiing injuries.
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To cite this article:
Kolarić, D., Kolarić, A., Ambroš, D., Popek, S., Vrbanac, Z., & Ružić, L. (2021). Influence of external risk factors on alpine skiing injuries in recreational skiers. Sportlogia, 17 (1), 58-72.
Approved: 01.11.2021.
Dinko Kolarić,PhD.
Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation,
Daruvarske Toplice, Julijev park 1
43500 Daruvar, Croatia
Phone: +38543623710