Vol. 17, Issue 1, december 2021.



Raid Mekić1,2, Merisa Mekić4, Zana Dolićanin1, Adem Mavrić2, Ilma Čaprić1,2, Emir Biševac1 i Armin Zećirović3
1State University of Novi Pazar, Study Program Sports and Physical Education, Serbia
2Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Niš, Serbia
3Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of East Sarajevo,Bosnia & Herzegovina
4Medical Faculty University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

doi: 10.5550/sgia.211701.en.mmdm
UDC: 616.379:613.72



The research included seven original scientific papers. All of them addressed the main problem and could give an adequate answer. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of exercise content on people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and the importance of this activity on the health of people with this problem. The selection of works from 2002 to 2019 was taken as a method. We conclude that the physical activity of people with DM is partially limited due to the specificity of the disease. Special attention should be paid to side effects, especially hypoglycemia. Exercise frequency should be at least three days a week for aerobic activities and two days a week for resistance activities. The risk of hypoglycemia is increased, glycemic control in this population is more difficult to achieve. The goals of DM management in the elderly should be set differently for each patient.

Key words: diabetes mellitus, physical activity, elderly, type 2 mellitus, exercise program, glycemic control.

.FULL TEXT (.pdf)


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To cite this article:
Mekić, R., Mekić, M., Dolićanin, Z., Mavrić, A., Čaprić, I., Biševac, E., & Zaćirević, E. (2021). Influence of exercise program content on elderly persons with diabetes melitus tip 2.  Sportlogia, 17 (1), 25-33.




Received:  23.05.2021.
Approved: 04.11.2021.

Mekić Raid
Teaching Associate at Novi Pazar State University,
Student of doctoral academic studies at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education,
University of Niš, Serbia
Zmaj Jovina 17, Novi Pazar 36 300, Serbia
+38163 8827756