Vol. 15, Issue 1, december 2019.



José Antonio Rodríguez1
1University of Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela

Science critic                                                
doi: 10.5550/sgia.191501.en.r
UDC: 796:005



Sports organizations are subject to a permanent movement, having to plan correctly and systemically towards the future. This research analyzes the different concepts, theories and research of different authors on which are the internal and external variables on which the public and private sports organizations base their management. In this sense, a documentary investigation was designed, with explanatory level depth, oriented in a phenomenological, interpretative epistemological approach, of qualitative nature. The data collection technique is a documentary analysis; using arching of sources and triangulation, the instrument was a digital word processor. Among the findings, it was observed that many sports organizations based their planning mainly on theoretical facts, unrealistic to their situation, always considering the same internal and external variables. In their management these organizations mainly consider the managerial level, and a little to their personnel, being more interested in the results of the teams or of their athletes, the typical operating management is highly qualified to solve current problems and resist a change of paradigm to get involved and to investigate more deeply on other internal variables of their organism equally on external variables that impact on their organization. Finally, the research reflects other variables to be considered in order to optimize the management process in sports organizations, which, when properly considered, can support their management and will result in sustainable development, fulfilling their activities and achieving the stated goal.

Key words:planning process, sports organizations, resources, variables.

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To cite this article:
Rodríguez, A.J. (2019). Internal and external variables in sports management. Sportlogia, 15 (1), 36-47.


Approved: 22.10.2019.

Dr. José Antonio Rodríguez
Doctor of Management
Senior Lecturer at University of Los Andes
Mérida, Venezuela
Phone: 0584147174342
Zip Code: 5101