Vol. 14, Issue 1, June 2018.
Vladimir Pokrajčić1, Luka Herceg1, Boris Dugonjić1 & Milenko Vojvodić2
1University of Mostar, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Educational Sciences
2University of Banja Luka, Faculty of physical education and sport
Original scientific paper
UDC: 796.332.015.53
The goal of this research is to determine the progress in development of speed, agility and explosiveness in young footballers. The research was conducted on a sample of 25 young footballers aged 9.50 ± 0.50, height 143,4 ± 6,6 cm and weight 33,5 ± 7,9 kg. The respondents are members of the football club "NK Sloga" from Ljubuski, who are trained in the age category "Limaci (U-11)". A total of 3 tests were applied: 1. Running at 20 meters from the high start (Tr20m); 2. Running back and forth with a change of 90° (TrNN); 3. Zig-zag running between poles (TrZZ). An analysis of the differences (T-test) between initial and final measurements resulted in an improvement in the results. The average result of the initial 20m run measurement is 4,43 seconds while the average result of the final measurement is better for 10 hundredths and is 4,33 seconds. In the zig-zag test, the average score of the initial measurement was 9,34 seconds, while the final result was 9,1 seconds. The average score was improved by 0,24 hundredths. In a 180° shift running, respondents ran averaged 14.37 seconds in the initial measurement, or 14,08 seconds in the final measurement.The average score improved by 0,29 hundredths. Correlation analysis found that there was a statistically significant connection between all three tests. The highest connection between the two different tests was measured at the initial measurement of the run test with 180° change of direction and the final measurement at the 20m running test and it was 0,89.
Key words: training, speed, agility, young football players.
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To cite this article:
Pokrajčić, V., Herceg, L., & Dugonjić, B., & Vojvodić, M. (2018). Effects of speed and agility trainings at young football players. Sportlogia, 14 (1), 59-65. doi:10.5550/
Received: : 24.05.2018.
Accepted: 08.06.2018.
Correspondence Author:
ass. Vladimir Pokrajčić
University of Mostar,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Education