Vol. 14, Issue 1, June 2018.
Mariia Roztorhui1, Alina Perederiy1, Yuriy Briskin1 i Olexandr Tovstonoh1
1Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Lviv, Ukraine
Original scientific paper
The analysis of scientific and methodological literature shows the fragmentary nature of the available information on the issues of training system for athletes with disabilities in strength sports. The mechanical transfer of unadapt scientific and methodological approaches to the preparation of athletes in the Olympic sport to adaptive sports is observed today. The aim of the research is to identify the peculiarities of composing a training system for athletes with disabilities in strength sports. We involved coaches (n = 54) working in the field of strength sports in the research. The questionnaire was conducted in an open form on the basis of 15 Regional Centers of Physical Culture and Sports for the Disabled "Invasport". Based on the analysis of questionnaire results, the theoretical structure of long-term multiannual preparation of athletes with disabilities in strength sports was developed. In addition, we have determined the recommended quantitative indices of competitive and training activities for athletes in strength sports. It was established that the structure of long-term multiannual preparation should include five stages, the duration of which depends on the level of remained motor abilities of athletes. The necessity of approaches correction is revealed for composing training system for athletes with disabilities in strength sports on the basis of adaptation of the corresponding approaches of general theory to the peculiarities of training athletes with disabilities.
Key words: long-term multiannual preparation, structure, adaptive sports.
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To cite this article:
Roztorhui, M., Perederiy, A., Briskin, Y., & Tovstonoh, O. (2018). The training system of athletes with disabilities in strength sports. Sportlogia, 14 (1), 98-106. doi:10.l550/sgia.181401.en.rpy
Received: 06.04.2018.
Approved: 12.06.2018.
Correspondence author:
Mariia Roztorhui,
Candidate of Sciences,
Doctoral candidate of Lviv State University of Physical Culture,
Lviv, Ukraine