Vol. 13, Issue 1, June 2017.
Nikola Radulović1, Ilona Mihajlović1, Ratko Pavlović2,, Milan Šolaja1 and Mila Vukadinović1
1Faculty of sport and physical education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
2Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of East Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
Original scientific paper
UDC: 796.422.012.11-053.6
COBISS.BH-ID: 6768920
The aim of this study was to examine connection between the motor ability strength and the achievement of results in sprinting in order to define strength tests to perform selection in physical education classes, at the age of early puberty. The sample consisted of 88 female subjects aged 12 years (± 6 months). The batery of four tests was used for evaluation of the motor ability strength, prescribed in the curriculum for the subject Physical Education of the Pedagogical Association of Vojvodina: variables of explosive strength - standing broad jump (cm), throwing medicine ball from lying position (m), variable of repetitive strength - sit-ups (number of successful attempts) and variable of isometric strength - bent arm hang (s). For evaluation of the motor ability speed, the standardized test was applied, which represented the criterion variable - the result obtained in 60 m run (s). The relationship between the system of predictor variables and the criterion variable is calculated by linear regression analysis, and the results showed that, on the basis of the results of the predictor variables system, the level of sprinting speed can be statistically significantly predicted. By observing the individual variables, it can be seen that the variables standing broad jump (p=0.00) and sit-ups (p=0.00) achieve statistically significant prediction of 60 m run speed. By analyzing the results of regression analysis, it can be assumed that the result of the 60 m run in selected subjects can be predicted based on manifestation of explosive leg strength and repetitive strength of torso.
Key words:sprint speed, strength, girls, explosive strength, repetitive strength.
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Received: 04.04.2017.
Accepted: 05.07.2017.
Correspondence author:
Nikola Radulović
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
University of Novi Sad