Vol. 12, Issue 1, June 2016.



Darko Paspalj1 and Milan Gužvica1
1Faculty of Security Sciencess, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Original scientific paper
UDC: 796.012.12
COBISS.BH-ID: 6764568



The research was conducted on a sample of 27 male students of the first year of the Faculty of Security Studies in order to determine the value of the functional capabilities of the students of the Faculty of Security Sciences achieved during the Cooper test and the Beep test, in order to consider the possibility of applying the Beep test in the process of assessing the functional capabilities of students when conducting the selection process for admission to the faculty. Using the appropriate statistical procedure, it was found that there is no statistically significant connection of variables for the evaluation of morphological characteristics with the results achieved on the Beep test and the Cooper test, as well as that there is no statistically significant connection of variables for the assessment of morphological characteristics with the obtained results of maximum oxygen consumption on the Beep test and Cooper test. Also, it was found that there is no a difference in maximum oxygen consumption between the tests that were applied. Considering variability of the load that is characteristic of the Beep test and the similarities with specific activities characteristic for the performance of elements and their connections in the teaching process of the SFO (Special Physical Education Program), the authors suggest that the Beep test should be included in the tests that are used to determine the functional capabilities of the candidates when conducting the selection process for admission candidates for education at the Faculty of Security Sciences. The gathered information can also be used to make and optimize the plan and program of the SFO, as well as to create homogeneous groups in order to achieve efficient learning outcomes.

Key words:students, Cooper test, Beep test, selection

FULL TEXT (.pdf)


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Received: 06.05.2017.
Accepted: 26.06.2017.
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Faculty of Security Sciencess, University of Banja Luka
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