Vol. 11, Issue 1, June 2015.
Evangelos Chatzilelecas1, Branimir Filipović2, and Lidija Petrinović3
1Elpida, Rodos, Greece
2Croatian waters, Zagreb, Croatia
3Faculty of Kineziology, Univerzity of Zagreb, Croatia
doi: 10.5550/sgia.151101.en.008C
UDC: 796.323.2.034-056.24
The aim of the study was evaluation of quality of life according to the level of physical activity between two groups of wheelchair basketball players. We included 34 individuals divided into the two groups according to the level of physical activity during the week. Individuals in the first group had trainings two times per week (16 individuals) and in the second group had trainings three to six times per week (18 individuals). Differences between these two groups were measured in quality of life and level of physical activity. Results of discriminative analysis have shown that there is statistically significant difference in quality of life, and results of Student t-test have shown that there is also statistically significant difference in level of physical activity as well as total quality of life. Individuals, who were active three to six times per week according to the schedule, had better results in all variables of the quality of life.
Key words: individuals with disability, motoric skills, regular training, sport activities.
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