Vol. 10, Issue 2, December 2014.
Support of Science for Political Decisions about Physical Education in Slovenia
Gregor Jurak1, Marjeta Kovač1, Gregor Starc1, and Janko Strel1
1Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Editorial article
doi: 10.5550/sgia.141002.en.002J
UDK: 371.3:796(497.4)
The changes in Physical Education (PE) curriculum, amount of PE lessons, number of students in class, improvement in class environment, amount and competency of PE teachers and increase of extra-curricular and out-of school sport programmes have effects on physical fitness of young people. It is very important to have special concern about this factors/systematic measures in public schools to ensure more equal opportunities for each child
Key words: physical fitness, Slovenia, young people.
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